lori gouhin
Say goodbye to being stuck in confusion, overwhelm, and indecision
Create a plan of action you actually believe in and will follow through on
Learn to hold yourself accountable to the things you say you'll do

I know what you're dealing with, and I want you to know, you're not alone.
Does any of this sound like you
You have trouble believing in your own capabilities and potential which often manifest as impostor syndrome, unworthiness, or lack of confidence.
1. You feel directionless and unsure of what your next steps should be.
2. You feel stressed from a sense of dissatisfaction and not being where you want to be in your life.
3. You have difficulty clarifying what you want, setting goals that you believe in, and you struggle with the ability to hold yourself accountable.
I can help you decide what it is you want, determine what’s holding you back, create a believable plan to get you there, and teach you how to hold yourself accountable.
Feel the ease that comes from knowing exactly what you want.
Feel the courage and confidence that comes from overcoming limiting beliefs.
Feel the certainty that comes from having a believable plan of action.
Feel the joy of achieving your goals.

I know you.
I've been where you are.
I know how to get you to where you want to be.
I’ve had many goals that were put on hold for far too long
I lacked clarity.
I was stuck in confusion and overwhelm.
I didn't have a plan that I believed in.
I didn't follow through on the things I committed to doing.
I hired coaches and read books.
Sure I made progress along the way...
But I needed the ‘how to’ specifically for who I was and what I wanted to achieve, not a one size fits all approach.
So I took what I learned along the way and created a process that doesn’t just work for me, but can be uniquely adapted for anyone who has goals they want to achieve.

Gain clarity around who you are and who you would like to become.
Understand your values, your strengths, and your weakness so that your goals align with who you truly are.
Become aware of your blind spots and determine what is really holding you back.
Be able to finally understand and let go of your limiting beliefs.
Get the "How To" you've been looking for...a step by step plan that you believe in and will follow.
Learn how to hold yourself accountable so that you can achieve the life you want
Mary Hall
“Lori has been coaching me for years. She is the perfect blend of creativity and practical advice. She has a toolbox filled with all the right brushes and shows you how to use them to paint your reality. She has the tools to take you to the next level.”
Renee Vee
“My experience with Lori has been transformative. Her coaching has helped me define and achieve my personal and professional goals. Lori’s insightful strategies and motivational encouragement have been invaluable on my journey to success. I highly recommend Lori’s coaching services to anyone make positive and lasting changes in their life.”
Craig Siegel
“Lori is someone who combines real life business experience and success with big ideas and creative concepts that change the way we think. Lori is a beautiful soul who knows how to help people get focused and believe in themselves”