Not too long ago, someone told me they saw me as bold and courageous. Initially, I was surprised, but after some reflection, I realized they were right. I've always been a risk-taker, from my childhood to now. Whether the risks were foolish or calculated, being prepared has always been essential for me.
The Power of Preparation
There’s a common phrase we often hear: "feel the fear and do it anyway." While this advice has its merits, I believe that preparation and self-awareness are crucial before taking action. My path to becoming an artist illustrates this well. Let me explain.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Six or so years ago, I decided I wanted to be an artist. With no formal training (just one high school art class), I struggled with imposter syndrome. Despite this, I painted frequently and occasionally shared my work. However, I kept dismissing myself as a "real" artist.
So I had to ask myself, why. The initial reasons really surprised me. I felt I wasn’t using the best materials or painting often enough.
Investing in Yourself
To overcome this, I decided to invest in better quality materials and paint more regularly. This small shift made a significant difference. Although we were living in a small, fully furnished rental at the time, I made it work by setting up a painting space in the dining area. Slowly, my confidence grew.
Building Confidence
Yet, I still hesitated to put my work up for sale. Reading Heather Monahan's "The Confidence Creator" was a game-changer. It gave me the push to create a professional website and an Instagram page dedicated to my art. These steps, although simple, helped me eliminate my additional reasons for not feeling like a real artist. When all that was left were excuses, it became easier to move past my fears.
Claiming Your Identity
When I shared my new identity as an artist on social media, it wasn't long before others started seeing me as one too. This transformation wasn’t just about changing others' perceptions but about changing my own. It’s a process I’m now embracing as I step into new endeavors.
Self-Awareness and Action
The lesson I’ve learned—and hope you take away—is that you don’t need to feel the fear and do it anyway to be bold and courageous. Instead, focus on self-awareness and identify what’s truly holding you back. Then, take small, manageable steps to address those reasons. Once all that’s left are excuses, you’ll find it much easier to take action.
Simple Steps to Overcome Fear
Ask yourself today: What’s holding you back? What small steps can you take to eliminate those reasons? Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Working with a coach will help you clarify your reasons and build a path forward to your goals.
Embrace your boldness and take that first step towards your dreams. Show up in your life like the masterpiece you are, because you truly are the artwork.