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Embracing the Abstract: How Letting Go of Perfection Can Transform Your Life and Business

Updated: Jul 8

Have you ever stood in front of an abstract painting, scratching your head, wondering what it’s all about? Abstract art might seem like a jumble of shapes and colors at first, but there's a profound beauty in its ability to break free from conventional expectations. This, my friends, is exactly how we can approach life and business—by breaking free and embracing the abstract.

Finding Beauty in the Unexpected

Life, like art, doesn’t always have to make sense to be beautiful. In my own journey both as an artist and a coach, I’ve learned that the most profound transformations often come from the least expected places. Think about it. When was the last time you allowed yourself to step outside the lines of your usual routine and see where the day took you?

Embracing the abstract means welcoming the unknown. It's about looking at a pile of apparent mistakes and seeing a masterpiece in the making. This mindset isn't just about art; it's about life. It’s about looking at your failures and saying, "Okay, what’s next? What can I learn here?"

Letting Go of Control

We often think of our lives as something to be controlled and dictated down to the minute detail. But where's the fun in that? Where's the space for growth and innovation? Just as I experiment with bold colors and strokes while painting, I also experiment with bold decisions and creativity in my daily life- and so can you.

For instance, consider your professional life. Are there rules and processes that feel outdated or restrictive? What happens if you choose to challenge them, even in small ways? I encourage you to identify one "rule" this week that you can bend in your job or business. You might be surprised by the creativity and opportunities that unfold.

Mistakes Are Just Unexplored Successes

I've said it before, and I’ll say it again: mistakes are just unexplored successes. Think about the last mistake you made—yes, even that one that made you cringe. What if, instead of beating yourself up, you asked, "What’s the hidden opportunity here?"

In coaching sessions, I often work with clients who are paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes. But once they see these mistakes as necessary steps towards success, their whole perspective shifts. Why not try this approach? Next time you slip up, take a moment to explore what this mistake is trying to teach you.

You Don’t Need Permission

Here’s a little secret: you don’t need anyone's permission to be spectacular. Many of us wait for the 'right time' or the 'right conditions' to start something new. But guess what? That perfect moment rarely arrives.

You have the power to grant yourself permission to start chasing your dreams. Today, why not write yourself a literal or metaphorical permission slip? It could be as simple as a sticky note on your fridge that says, "I give myself permission to pursue my goals and dreams."

It’s All About the Journey

Remember, life is not about sticking strictly to the path. It’s about the scenic routes and the unexpected detours. Each step you take is a stroke on the canvas of your life. I know it can be scary when you're not sure what the next stroke will bring. But in a way, that's the beauty of life.

I challenge you to embrace the abstract. Let go of needing to control every detail, and start enjoying the beauty of the unexpected. Trust me, it’s liberating, and it just might lead you to create something truly magnificent—both in art and in life.

Cheers to showing up like the masterpiece you are!

~ lori

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